
11 Worst Things to Eat (and Drink) for People with Atrial Fibrillation

Refined Carbohydrates

You can't stop thinking of salty food

If you eat refined carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread, sugary cereals, and anything white flour and sugar, it is best to cut back. There are very few useful nutrients and not enough fiber which means these foods can increase your chances of ending up with a stroke. You are much better off with whole-grain options that have plenty of fiber and that reduces your chances of a stroke.

You get pronounced under-eye bags

10 Warning Signs Your Body Shows When You’re Consuming Too Much Salt

Experts break down COVID-19 exposure risks. 10 Activities Ranked From Most To Least Risky

Experts break down COVID-19 exposure risks. 10 Activities Ranked From Most To Least Risky