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  • Top 10 Covid-19 Safety Measures Every Restaurant Owner Should Take

    Top 10 Covid-19 Safety Measures Every Restaurant Owner Should Take

    Restaurants are finally opening, but the war against COVID is far from over. There are many things we should all do to stay safe and prevent the pathogen from spreading. If you own a restaurant, we’re counting on you, as always, to provide us with a tasty and relaxed experience, but we want to feel […] More

  • Loss Of Smell

    9 Early Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms Besides Tremors

    Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that can happen to anyone but for 10 to 15 percent of the population, it is genetic. The disease affects areas of the brain where it causes it to degenerate that control many motor commands of the body. More

  • 10 Common Shower Mistakes That Ruin Your Health


    10 Common Shower Mistakes That Ruin Your Health

    One of the things that people look forward to the most during their days is stepping into that hot shower. It is a time to shake off the negativity that you had soaked up during the day from having one encounter after another whether you were at work, or in traffic, or at the grocery […] More

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