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I’m a Nurse – Here are 15 Things I Never Do For My Health When I’m in Isolation

Your Sleep Schedule Is Off Kilter

Your Sleep Schedule Is Off Kilter

You likely had a sleep schedule that you stuck to before the quarantine started. You went to bed at a certain time, and you had woken up at a certain time. However, now that you are not having to deal with traffic in your way to work, you likely have decided to wake up later in the morning. This means you are up later at night. You need to stick to the sleep schedule you had before your quarantine to keep your immune function strong. You need it stronger to fight the virus.

Eat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Here's What Happens When You Stop Eating Red Meat

Eat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Here’s What Happens When You Stop Eating Red Meat

8 Simple Medical Tests to Check Your Health Right Now