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Drink Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 11 Problems

Any Type Of Digestive Issue

Celiac Disease

Are you feeling some indigestion or heartburn coming on? Are you beginning to feel pangs of nausea? If that is the case, drink some lemon water. Digestive troubles are linked to the gastric juices not being able to digest what is in the stomach properly. The lemon water will stimulate the production of gastric juices which will aid digestion and you will feel better as a result.

Why Drinking Coffee On An Empty Stomach Is A Bad Idea? Here's What Experts Say

Why Drinking Coffee On An Empty Stomach Is A Bad Idea? Here’s What Experts Say

Studies Find A Possible Connection Between These 10 Common Drugs And Dementia

Studies Find A Possible Connection Between These 10 Common Drugs And Dementia