
14 Packaged Foods to Stock up on Right Now as Coronavirus Spreads

The Coronavirus will die down, and normalcy will resume at some point. But the big question is when. Grocery stores will also always stay open, but you will want to minimize the time spent there shopping so you are less likely to catch the virus. This is why it is important to stock up on foods so you can bulk shop at once instead of shopping daily.

14 Packaged Foods to Stock up on Right Now as Coronavirus Spreads

However, you don’t want to stock up on just any unhealthy processed food. You do need to stock up on packaged food that will last you a while, however. Let’s go over 14 of those that you need to grab right now.

✱ 14 – Eggs


Eggs is not a non-perishable. However, when you hard boil eggs, they will last you 3 weeks. And eggs are a healthy food since they are loaded with many nutrients as well as protein. They are only 70 calories each and will keep you full. Be sure to store eggs in the carton inside of the fridge instead of the door.

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