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7 Popular Foods That Can Mess With Your Kidneys

Health fanatics tell you to take care of your heart and even your skin, but rarely does anyone mention taking care of your kidneys. This is unfortunate because the kidneys play extremely important roles in the body as we know it.

7 Popular Foods That Can Mess With Your Kidneys

For starters, the kidneys serve as one of the body’s main filtering systems, filtering out toxins and removing waste in the form of urine. The kidneys are also responsible for producing hormones that help to keep your blood clean and healthy and your bones tough and strong.

Unless other parts of the body that can be healed and repaired, such as the skin and even the lungs, damage to the kidneys is often an irreversible thing. Once the kidneys fail, toxins and other harmful substances begin to build up in the body, which leads to many health risks in the near future. More often than not, the only way to cope with a failed kidney is via dialysis or a kidney transplant in worse cases.

Sure, we all know that drinking too much alcohol and too little water can lead to kidney damage. But did you know that many foods cause harm to your kidneys as well? In fact, many of today’s most common foods––while potentially healthy in other ways––are culprits in the destruction of your kidneys.

To help you decipher which foods you should reduce or potentially avoid, let’s take a look at nine popular foods that can mess with your kidneys. Get ready to be surprised.



Of course, salt deserves to be at the top of this list. This flavor-enhancing ingredient is used in just about every way, from soups to fried goods to baking. When you overload your body with salt, this causes your blood pressure to increase, which leads to greater strain on your kidneys.

Salt is especially an issue in the United States, where many foods are processed. Some of the most common high-sodium foods in the common diet include canned soups, frozen pizza, frozen dinners, processed meats (hot dogs and sausages), and any canned goods.

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