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You Will Never Eat Another Banana Knowing This

You may think that bananas are an excellent snack because they are filling and they do have plenty of nutrients. They are loaded with potassium which is what your body needs to function. But there are many other sources that have the same number of nutrients including potassium like bananas. And these sources are better choices.

In fact, bananas are not all that cracked up to be because they do have a lot of flaws. In fact, once you learn some harsh facts about bananas, you will never eat any again. Let’s talk about those right now.

Bananas Are High In Calories

bananas Not Such a Diet Food

Bananas may have plenty of nutrients but they also have plenty of calories. They are higher in calories than other fruits as they are about 105 calories which takes up a lot of your caloric intake per day. Therefore, if you eat too many bananas, your waistline will expand.

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