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8 Hygiene Mistakes It’s High Time We Stopped Making

The one thing that people have learned about during the COVID-19 pandemic is to be serious about keeping personal hygiene at its best. However, even though people, for the most part, have good intentions with it, there are 9 major mistakes they are making as well with their hygiene. Let’s go over those now.

6 Hygiene Mistakes It’s High Time We Stopped Making

We carefully studied how an average person follows the rules of hygiene and revealed the most common mistakes.

✱ 8 – Showing Or Bathing Too Often

We take a shower and bath too often

It is a known fact that showering or bathing, not enough is far from hygienic and it did not take a pandemic for people to figure that one out. However, as counterintuitive as this sounds, if you bathe or shower too often, it is just as bad as not bathing much. If you wash your skin too much, then it will crack and allow microbes to enter, which means you have a greater chance of an infection happening. Therefore, it is best to just shower or bathe once a day.

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