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  • 8 Simple Medical Tests to Check Your Health Right Now

    Health is undoubtedly the biggest wealth. You can only enjoy your life and achieve your goals if you have health in your hand. It is important to keep a close check on your health. Regular check-ups are required to ensure that your body is working properly. These check-ups involve history, physical examination, and multiple blood […] More

  • The New COVID-19 Symptom That Is Scaring Even Doctors and Researchers Alike

    The New COVID-19 Symptoms That Is Scaring Even Doctors and Researchers Alike

    You know the common COVID-19 symptoms which are fever, fatigue, cough, and shortness of breath. Some of those who have been affected by the illness handle it better than others, and some succumb to it, unfortunately. There is no way to predict who will become seriously ill or who will recover from it. Some elderly […] More

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    You Will Never Eat Another Banana Knowing This

    You may think that bananas are an excellent snack because they are filling and they do have plenty of nutrients. They are loaded with potassium which is what your body needs to function. But there are many other sources that have the same number of nutrients including potassium like bananas. And these sources are better […] More

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