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  • 7 Easy Ways To Avoid Foggy Glasses When Wearing A Face Mask

    7 Easy Ways To Avoid Foggy Glasses When Wearing A Face Mask

    Do you wear glasses and do you struggle with them fogging up when you are wearing a mask? The droplets as you exhale will go upward and into your glasses which is how the fogging happens. And that is ultimately annoying when your glasses are fogged up and you cannot see where you are going. More

  • 10 Dangerous Brain Damaging Habits To Stop Immediately

    10 Dangerous Brain Damaging Habits To Stop Immediately

    Our brains are our computers as it is the center of where our body’s functioning is managed and controlled. And whenever there is an issue with an area of our brain, it affects our overall functioning whether it is cognitive, mental such as imbalances of brain chemicals causing mental illnesses, or physical as if areas […] More

  • 12 Ways COVID-19 Can Sneak Into Your Home

    12 Ways COVID-19 Can Sneak Into Your Home

    The Coronavirus epidemic has been very devastating and scary for many. Many countries around the world have shut down as everyone is encouraged to stay home unless they go out to buy necessities such as groceries. Those will always remain open and when you go grocery shopping, you will be encouraged to wear masks, gloves, […] More

  • Caution! These 12 Drugs Can Cause Memory Loss


    12 Drugs and Medications That Induce Dementia-Like Symptoms

    There are too many ailments that people suffer from and as a result, they require certain medications that are known to be successful in treating the condition. And even if medications are successful with the treatment of an ailment, there are often unpleasant side effects that come with it. More

  • Reoccurring blood spots in your eye

    If You See These 12 Things on Your Body, Call Your Doctor

    Your skin can say a lot about your health. Changes, from new growths to discolourations, can often be a signal of an underlying health condition. It may be as simple as a nutrition deficiency or, in some cases, something more serious—including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, autoimmune disease, or even cancer. More

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