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  • 11 Health Benefits Of Baking Soda (That Could Change Your Life)


    12 Fantastic Uses for Baking Soda Very Few Know About

    You have probably used baking soda, which is also known in the UK as soda of bicarbonate to remove odors in your fridge or used it in DIY carpet cleaning solutions. But the fact of the matter is that baking soda has the ability to regulate pH so it can prevent anything from getting too […] More

  • 7 Reasons to Stop Sleeping With Wet Hair

    7 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Sleep With Wet Hair

    If you want to take a shower literally right before going to bed, that is fine. Just make sure that you either wear a shower cap if you are not planning to wash your hair or if you are, dry your hair with a hairdryer because you don’t want to go to bed when your […] More

  • 10 Situations When Drinking Water Should Be Strictly Avoided

    10 Situations When Drinking Water Should Be Strictly Avoided

    You are told day after day by health experts that you need to drink water in order to stay healthy. You need to be properly hydrated to flush out toxins as well as to keep your circulation going. And you are told to drink 6 to 10 glasses of water each day. If you are […] More

  • 10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Every Adult Should Know

    10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Every Adult Should Know

    If you don’t have Alzheimer’s in your family history, then the odds are much lower you would end up with the disease as you age. However, at the same time, it does not mean you are immune to it either. Especially if your lifestyle has not been known to be healthy. Like obesity, high blood […] More

  • 10 Things You Had No Idea Were Actually Covered in Fecal Matter

    10 Things You Had No Idea Were Actually Covered in Fecal Matter

    What happens after you do #2 in the bathroom and flush the toilet? Well, it’s good-bye #2 right? Or is it? Unless you have the toilet lid down after flushing which most people don’t, then fecal bacteria which includes E.Coli is flying in the air and landing in different areas of the home or office, […] More

  • Air Purifier


    11 Things That Pollute the Air Inside Your Home

    You may think that the air pollution you hear about only happens outdoors as they come from industrial areas as well as chemicals sprayed on crops and plants. However, you would be horrified to know that the air in your home or office is also quite polluted. More

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