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  • 8 Hygiene Mistakes It’s High Time We Stopped Making

    The one thing that people have learned about during the COVID-19 pandemic is to be serious about keeping personal hygiene at its best. However, even though people, for the most part, have good intentions with it, there are 9 major mistakes they are making as well with their hygiene. Let’s go over those now. More

  • 9 Foods That Can Make You Feel Sleepy

    9 Foods That Can Make You Feel Sleepy

    We’ve all experienced that sudden urge to take a nap right after a meal. It turns out that not only our love for sleep or a hard day at work can trigger sleepiness: it’s also the type of food we consume every day. We collected 9 foods that can cause drowsiness, especially when eaten together. More

  • 15 Ways to Boost Your Immune System During COVID-19

    15 Ways to Boost Your Immune System During COVID-19

    This world pandemic is happening right now and people are afraid that they will catch COVID-19 and not know how badly they will suffer. Some end up with the virus having just cold-like symptoms, and it can put others into the hospital, and it can be downright deadly to others. More

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